• Android has become the biggest rival of Apple's iOS. (Laihiu) This follows from the data of the first quarter of the year published by Kantar sales of mobile operating systems.
  • But Android continues to dominate sales in Spain, Germany, Italy, UK and France. 
  • In the case of Spain, Android platform has been the greatest share of sales registered a 88.6%.
  • However, the country where worse things are going to BlackBerry is in Spain, where the share of sales this year has been 0%. 
  • iOS, meanwhile in Spain has experienced the most significant increase in major European countries.

During the first quarter of 2014 there have been significant changes in the penetration of mobile operating systems in some countries like Spain, where Android has suffered the biggest drop in worldwide sales, iOS has experienced the most significant increase in major European countries and BlackBerry has had a share of 0%. In general, Android has improved slightly in Europe and remains the most popular mobile operating system.

These are some of the conclusions that can be drawn from the report of the first quarter of 2014 published by Kantar sales of mobile operating systems. The document includes the variation in the adoption of the major mobile operating systems in the five major European markets (EU5), Spain, Germany , Italy , UK and France - and the United States , Australia and Japan.

In these five major European countries Android continues to dominate with a share of 70.7% of sales, an increase of 1.5 points compared to the same period in 2013 - followed by iOS with 19.2%-increase of 0 , 1% - and Windows Phone , with a share of 8.1% of sales and an increase of 1.6 points compared to the first quarter last year. 

The BlackBerry platform continues doldrums in Europe and has fallen 0.2 points, bringing its share of sales in the first quarter of 2014 stood at a paltry 0.1%. The country where worse things are going to BlackBerry is in Spain, where the share sales this year was 0%, compared with 0.2% in the first quarter of 2013.

Note that in Spain there has been an increasingly greater share of sales of the Android platform, with 88.6%; although in this country has also produced the biggest annual decline of -5.1 points less-EU5. This decline is explained by iOS, which has grown 4.5 points, the highest rise in these five countries in Europe, with a share of sales of 7.6 percent. Windows Phone has also grown in Spain with a market share of 3%, compared to 1.3% last year. 

UK is the country with the highest sales EU5 iOS, with 32.1% share between January and March 2014-year increase of 3.4 points. Meanwhile, Italy is where it has produced the biggest drop of the operating system Apple in the old continent with 7 points from 12.9% of sales. Just the opposite of what happened in Spain, Android has benefited from this with a sales increase of 8.2 points to 70.7% share.

iOS achieved the highest increase in Japan 

Outside European borders, to include Japan as the country with the greatest variation mobile OS to 2013. This has been the case of iOS, which has experienced an increase of 8.6% and reached 57, 6% share. 

In this country continues iOS beating Android, with 41.5% share, after seeing a decline of 4.5 percentage points. In the United States there have been significant changes: Android has increased by 8.3% to 57.6 share percentage points; while iOS has fallen to 7.8%, remaining with 35.9% share.

TechnoGupshup.com is a personal technology columnist. TechnoGupShup.com writes about computer software, consumer gadgets, New Technology News, Gadgets Review and Much More....
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