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Hello WordPress Lovers. Many users are reporting that website not working after update WordPress version who has installed WP Bakery Visual Composer. Does WPBakery Page Builder works with the Gutenberg? Are you one of them whose site messed-up when you update WordPress 5.0(with installed visual composer)? It might be happened due to installed the WordPress 5.0 update or automatically installed this WordPress 5.0 update with WP Bakery Visual Composer.

Don't worry if you are one of them who are facing the same issue. Here we are discussing possible solution which can help you to fixed the issue and come back your website as it is.


Install Classic Editor Plugin by follow this link and activate the plugin. You're done!


On 7'th of June 2018, WPBakery released an update 5.5 that features a compatibility between the page builder and Gutenberg editor. If you have WPBakery version 5.5 or later installed, you will notice 2 options related to the Gutenberg editor:

A content element ‘Gutenberg’ available in your Add Element menu that allows you to insert Gutenberg layout/blocks directly into the layout of WPBakery Page Builder (Note: you can insert an unlimited number of Gutenberg editor instances on the same page);
An option to disable Gutenberg editor on your WordPress site via WPBakery Page Builder Settings (in your WordPress Admin Dashboard).

If you are still unable to fix the problem then comment your problem here. is a personal technology columnist. writes about computer software, consumer gadgets, New Technology News, Gadgets Review and Much More....
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