All commands can run in the command prompt or shell, to pass commands to the operating system. Description and uses of each, options, syntax and links to pages with practical examples.

CMD, Command Prompt, Command For Windows7 and Windows8, Command Prompt Window, How-to-find, How-to-guide, Find CMD,
All Windows systems include a series of commands to transmit orders directly to the operating system. 
're simple instructions that can be used in different forms, the most known of them is they introducing the CMD console, but can also be used in scripts or in batch files. 
Console CMD shell or Command Prompt as some know him, is a tool included in all versions of Windows.
's a black window where commands are written with the appropriate options and the key is pressed Enter. 
How to open and access the CMD console? Read More to Open CMD

➔ The console access can start looking in "All Programs -> Accessories" or writing in the Startup or Run. CMD and press Enter
➔ You can also open an instance of the console in any directory or folder, so that with the shift (Shift) key pressed gives a right mouse click and in the menu "Open Command Window Here" appears choose.
➔ In writes in Windows 8 home screen CMD and press Enter.
If you need to run a command as Administrator, use the Windows + X keys on the menu that opens select the option.
Command For Windows7 and Windows8

The MSDOS commands including Windows

Windows commands are a legacy of the first operating systems operating in MSDOS. They all instructions had to be manually executed by methods similar to those listed in this article commands. 
use these commands remains fully in force in today. 
many have been recently added and were used only as tools in independent packages or kits for use by professionals. 
In every version of Windows released, are improved with new options and modifiers, which make it even more powerful. 
commands that is related on this page are included in Windows 7, the large Most exceptions are available in Windows XP, Vista and Windows 8. 
latter system because it is newer, includes other new commands that can look elsewhere on this site
The list begins below commands included within the cmd.exe executable (the original console), but also others who are independent as robocopy.exe, netstat.exe, netsh.exe, etc.. and only work via the command line. Besides the console run any executable, ie any file extension exe that is in the C:. \ Windows, C: \ Windows \ System32 and other specified variable system environment% PATH%. To run these files do not need to specify the extension, as well as others that are specified in the environment variable% PATHEXT%, for example. com,. cmd,. bat. vbs,. vbe, etc.
Each command is accompanied by a brief description, in some cases with links to pages on this site that have practical examples to download or batch files using this command.

Additional information for each command
can extract additional information from the console as the characteristics, instructions for use and any command options as follows:
Write in the console CMD and press the Enter key: ? commandname / . 
To write all the help that contains a specific text file to a command, use: commandname />% userprofile% \ Desktop \ Informacion.doc? , and press Enter .

List all commands in Windows 7

ARPCache maintains the mapping between IP addresses and physical addresses of the adapter or network card. It is used in network tasks to optimize the performance of connections and to resolve conflicts. 
ASSOCDisplays or modifies associations file extensions, or the action that Windows should be performed according to the extension that owns the file. 
ATThe AT command executing program commands and programs on a computer at a specified time and date. The Schedule service must be running to use the AT command. 
ATTRIBDisplays or changes file attributes. In Windows it is assigned to each file according to the function or purpose to be played on the computer an attribute either hidden file, system, read only, etc.. With the ATTRIB command can find the set on a particular file and assign it removed or another. 
AuditpolIt is used to display or change permission settings
BITSAdminIt is used to create, manage and monitor tasks file downloads and uploads.
BREAKSets or clears extended CTRL + C in the console.
BCDbootRepair Tool and start creating BCD files. The line tool bcdboot.exe command is used to copy files necessary to boot the system partition and create a new BCD store in the system.
BCDEDITEditor database boot configuration (BCD) team.
, we can use it to set the order of the operating systems, your name in the boot menu, use systems on virtual disks, enable or disable effects, etc.. 
BOOTCFGThis tool from the command line can be used to configure, query, change, or delete the configuration of the boot entry in the BOOT.INI file on operating systems prior to Windows Vista.
CACLSDisplays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files. 
CALLCall one second batch from Hurry execution.
CDDisplays the name of or changes the current directory
CHCPDisplays or sets the number of active code page.
ChdirDisplays the name of or changes the current directory, like CD
CHKDSKCheck, check and repair disk errors.
CHKNTFSDisplays or modifies the checking of disk system before Windows
CHOICEThis tool allows users to select an item from a list of options and returns the index of the selected option.
CIPHERDisplays or alters the encryption of directories [files] on NTFS partitions.
CLEANMGRFrees disk space, memory lets you save your options. 
CLIPIt redirects the outcome of the tools command line to the Windows Clipboard. This text output can be pasted into other programs.
CLSClears and clarifies the text or symbols on the screen.
CMDStarts a new instance of the console
CmdkeyCreates, presents and removes user names and passwords stored.
COLORSets the colors of the foreground and background of the console 
COMPCompare the contents of two files or sets of files.
COMPACTDisplays or alters the compression of files on NTFS partitions.
CONVERTConverts FAT volumes to NTFS volumes. You can not convert the current drive.
COPYCopies one or more files to another location
CSCRIPTLets run VBS files in the console containing scripts written in VBScript language. Can also be used in batch files with the / / B option, so the error messages and warnings scripting be avoided
DATEDisplays or sets the date.
DELDeletes one or more files.
DEFRAGLocates and consolidates fragmented local volumes to improve system performance files.
DIRDisplays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.
DISMProvides information, install, uninstall, configure and update additional features and packages in Windows images.
For example, to display the installed Windows features that can be uninstalled using:
DISM.exe / Online / Inglés / Get-Features / Format
DISKCOMPCompare the contents of two floppy disks.
DISKCOPYCopy the contents of one floppy disk to another.
DISKPARTDisplays or configures Disk Partition properties.
DOSKEYEdits command lines, recalls Windows commands, and creates macros for Windows.
DRIVERQUERYDisplays the current status and properties of the device driver.
ECHODisplays messages, or turns the eco
ENDLOCALEnd the search for environment variables batch file
ERASEDeletes one or more files, like THE
EXPANDExpands one or more compressed files
EXITQuits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter)
FCCompares two files or sets of files and displays the differences between them
FINDSearching for a text string in one or more files. 
FINDSTRSearches for strings in files. 
FORExecutes a command on multiple files simultaneously, to reduce the amount of code needed in various tasks. It is one of the commands that offers greater practical benefits. 
FORFILESCommand use something like FOR, select one or more files and run a command on each.Allows multitude of useful options unexploited. 
FORMATLets give different formats to hard drives or other devices for use with Windows
FSUTILDisplays or configures the file system properties. It has several sub commands for the effective management and file system volumes. 
FTYPEDisplays or modifies file types used in file extension association
GetmacDisplays the MAC address or physical address of the network adapter on the computer if one exists. 
GOTODirects the Windows command interpreter to a line in a batch file. 
GPRESULTDisplays Group Policy information for machine or user
GPUPDATEUpdates the changes made ​​in the Edit Local Group Policy.
Allows any of the guidelines established either immediately, on restart or login to activate.
To get it activated immediately used: GPUPDATE / force
GRAFTABLEnables Windows to display an extended character set in graphics mode
HELPProvides Help information for Windows commands
ICACLSDisplays, modifies, backs up or restores access control lists (ACLs) for files and directories
IFExecutes commands conditionally, is used to define error values, compare brands, prove existence of files and make mathematical comparisons among others. 
IPCONFIGDisplays the parameters of a connection network. By default, it only shows the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway for each adapter bound conTCP / IP. 
LABELCreates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk
LOGMANCan handle and manage the Windows Performance Monitor from the command line
MEMDisplays the amount of free and used memory in the system
MDCreate a directory or folder
MKDIRCreate a directory, as above
MKLINKCreate symbolic links and hard links
MODEConfigures a system device
MOREDisplays the screen at
MOVEMoves one or more files from one directory to another on the same drive
MSINFO32Starts System Information tool that shows the technical details of computer and operating system.
MSTSCStart a remote desktop connection to
NBTSTATDisplays protocol statistics and current TCP / IP using NBT (NetBIOS over TCP / IP)
NETSets a range of network parameters.
NetcfgIt is used to install Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE), a version of Windows minima and light used by developers
NETSHThe NETSH (Network Shell) command will configure, manage conflicts and different network components using the command line locally or remotely.
Displays and sets the status of the components of the installed network protocols. Netsh commands are organized as a tree, every technology and protocol has its own context.
NETSTATDisplays protocol statistics and current TCP / IP connections. Allows monitoring of all active connections 
NLSFUNCLoad the specific information of a country or region
NltestThe Nltest command is used for testing via secure channels between Windows computers from different domains and domain controllers that are trusted
NSLOOKUPDisplays information about the assigned network connection to your DNS servers. Allows requests to these servers. 
OCSETUPStart Windows Optional Component Setup tool to install additional Windows options
OpenfilesDisplays files opened by remote users shared
PATHDisplays or sets a search path for executable files
PAUSEPause the console and displays a message
PINGAllows you to test your network connection, sending and receiving a data packet. 
POPDRestores the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHD
POWERSHELLRunning an instance of Windows PowerShell, the new command console that includes Windows in later Windows Vista systems.
PS When displaying the symbol of the console means that you are in the PowerShell environment, so you enter from the time will be associated with this interpreter, to return to the console just type CMD and press Enter. 
PRINTPrints a text file
PROMPTChanges the Windows command prompt
PUSHDSaves the current directory then changes
QAPPSRVDisplays the host servers Remote Desktop session available online
QPROCESSDisplays information about processes
QUERYDisplays the current status and parameter of a specific service
QUSERDisplay information about users who have registered to enter the system
QwinstaDisplays information about Remote Desktop sessions
RASDIALIt is used to start or stop a dialup connection or dial up
RDRemove or delete a directory or folder
RECOVERRecovers readable information from a defective or damaged disk
REGIt is used to manage all the parameters Registry Editor from the command line and batch files. You can add, edit keys, values, export branches, etc..
REG command is composed of several subcommands, each for a completely different use are:
REGEDITThe REGEDIT command allows you to import, export or delete the registry settings from a text file extension reg.. 
REGSVR32Register DLL libraries to incorporate the registration
RELOGRelog creates new performance logs from data in existing performance logs by changing the sampling interval or converting the file format.
Supports all performance log formats, including compressed logs of Windows NT 4.0
REMMake comments in batch files or CONFIG.SYS. The line in a batch that starts with REM is considered a comment
RENRenames one or more files
RENAMERenames one or more files, like the previous
REPLACEReplaces files
RMDIRRemoves a directory
ROBOCOPYAdvanced to copy folders and directories in Windows utility. 
RESET SESSION(Rwinsta) Re-establish the hardware and software subsystem session to known initial values
ROUTEManipulate network routing tables
RPCPINGPings the server using RPC
RUNDLL32Please DLL library functions included in the system. 
RUNASIt is used to execute a program using credentials or other user rights
SECEDITAnalyzes system security and makes the comparison with a specific template
SETDisplays, sets, or removes Windows environment variables. Variables created only remain during the session created with the console.
SETLOCALStarted section of local changes in the console environment
SETVERThe SETVER command to set the version number of MS-DOS that is reported to a program
SETXCreate or modify environment variables in the user environment or system. The changes are saved in the registry, so that variables can be used even after closing the current session. 
SCDisplays or configures services (background processes). 
SCHTASKSRun the Task Scheduler. Commands and programs to run on a computer program. 
SFCMicrosoft Resource Checker examines the integrity of all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct Microsoft from a folder of system or installation disk.
's the ideal time to review and replace damaged program files tool viruses, power outages, etc..
SHADOWMonitor another session of Remote Desktop Services
SHAREThe SHARE command is used to lock files and functions in MS-DOS
SXSTRACEWinSxS tracing utility
SHIFTChange position of replaceable parameters in batch files
SHUTDOWNAllows shutdown, restart, standby and hibernation local or remote equipment with various options such as waiting time, information messages, forced closed applications, etc. 
SORTSort the results of a select command, for example the results of a search with FIND
STARTSTART and start running programs, applications or other commands in Windows. 
SUBSTAssociates a path with a drive letter
SYSTEMINFODisplays the properties and the specific computer configuration
TakeownThis tool allows the administrator to recover access to a file is denied by reallocating file ownership. 
TASKLISTDisplay all processes running on the computer with the process ID number (PID) and the memory used. 
TASKKILLStops tasks or processes using the PID (process ID number) or name. 
TCMSETUPIt is used to configure or disable client telephony Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI)
TIMEDisplays or sets the system time
TIMEOUTThis utility accepts a timeout parameter to wait for a certain period of (in seconds) or until any key is pressed while. It also accepts a parameter to ignore the key press
TITLESets the window title for a CMD.EXE session
TracerptThe tracerpt command is used to process the event trace logs or real-time data
TRACERTAllows you to track the route between a computer and another on the network, is widely used for where you stopped a data packet on the network. 
TREEGraphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path
TSDISCONDisconnect a Remote Desktop
TSKILLEnds a process
TYPEDisplays the contents of a text file
TypeperfTypeperf writes performance data to the command window or to a log file. To stop Typeperf press CTRL + C
TzutilUtility Windows time zone
UNLODCTRRemoves the counter name and explanatory text for the specified extensible counter
ShowDisplays the version of Windows
VERIFIERStart the "Windows drivers Checker" tool to verify the performance of the drivers installed on your system.
allows us to know if any of them is the cause of conflicts, unexpected reboots or blue screen errors. 
VERIFYTells Windows whether to verify that your files are written correctly to a disk
VOLDisplays the volume label and serial number of the disk
VSSADMINManagement Tool Volume Shadow Service, the images created by Windows System Restore.
For example, to list all existing images used: VSSADMIN list shadows
W32TMTool used to diagnose conflicts or one local computer network with the Windows Time service (Windows time) when trying to synchronize or update the system clock
WAITFORThis tool sends and waits for a signal in a system. If not specified / S signal to all system of a broadcast domain. If you specify / S signal will only be sent to the specified domain
WBADMINTool command line backup
WevtutilCommand line utility for Windows events. Allows you to retrieve information about event logs and publishers, install and uninstall event manifests, run queries and export, archive and delete records
WHEREShows the location of files that match the search pattern. By default, the search is performed in the current directory and in the paths specified by the PATH environment variable
WHOAMIThis utility can be used to obtain the target group information and user name with the corresponding security identifiers (SID), privileges, logon identifier (logon ID) of the current user (access token ) on the local system. I mean, who the user is currently connected. If no modifier is specified, the tool displays username in NTLM format (domain \ username)
WINHLP32Runs Windows Help files HLP extension using the
WinRMTool command line Windows Remote Management Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is the Microsoft implementation of the WS-Management protocol that provides a secure way to communicate with local and remote computers using web services
WinRSOpen a command window in safe mode with a computer on the network
WinsatAssessment Tool Windows system. Allows you to check and know the potential of major computer components, such as CPU, memory, disk and video
WMICDisplays information in the WMI interactive shell commands. Allows access to all kinds of information, both from the local computer or another network, all data lists hardware and software desponibles 
XCOPYCopies files and directory trees

Another way to execute commands in Windows

All the above commands can also run them from the Startup without having to open the console CMD.
For that do the following:
➔ Write CMD / K command + option .
This will execute the command with the option and leave window open . CMD
➔ Write CMD / C + command option
This will execute the command with the option and close the CMD window when finished.
Two examples: CMD / K IPCONFIG / ALL CMD / C START
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